8.15am - 8.35am students arrive at school for supervision in the undercover area.
8.35am classrooms are opened for students to organise themselves for the day.
8.45am - 2.55pm teaching day.
We encourage parents to have students arrive aby 8.35am.
Children are not permitted to leave the school site without permission from the school and parent. We must know where children are at all times.
Parents or caregivers are required to sign children out and collect a Leave Pass from the office, then collect children from the classroom for appointments during the school day. Groups of students going to PEAC or music lessons or other school activities must be met by drivers outside the office.
Children who arrive at school after 8.45am are expected to enter via the office and receive a Late Pass. This will stop parents receiving an SMS message indicating the child is not at school.
Students are dismissed at 2.55pm. To improve security after school, the school gates will be closed at 3.15pm and the children waiting for parents will be brought to the office area for supervision and collection.
We urge parents to be punctual and to pick students up as close to 2.55pm as possible. Administration staff are unable to leave the school until all students have left or been picked up.
Students are not allowed to play on the equipment after school .